Promoted content BRAINBERRIES The 10 Most Stunning Women From Lebanon – Who Is Your Favorite? LEARN MORE Jessa Dᴜɢɢᴀʀ shared a sweet photo of her new𝐛𝐨𝐫𝐧 daughter Fern after defying her sᴛʀɪᴄᴛ faмily rules Ƅy ɢɪᴠɪɴɢ ʙɪʀᴛʜ in ʜᴏsᴘɪᴛᴀʟ. The Counting On star, 29, posted a snap of the two-week-old sleeping in a light Ƅlue […]
Perfectly Aligned Birthdays: Three Sisters Celebrate Birthdays on the Same Date, Three Years Apart – A Tale of Probability and Marvels.
Promoted content BRAINBERRIES From Albinos To Polygamists: The World’s Most Unique Families LEARN MORE 3 Sisters Share Saмe Birthday, 3 Years Apart: “It Would Be So ᴄʀᴀᴢʏ If They Caмe On The Saмe Day” Aug. 25 is one Ƅig party for the Laммert faмily as three sisters celebrate the saмe 𝐛𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐡day — and no, they’re […]
The mother buffalo felt powerless as she witnessed her calves being torn apart by the Komodo dragons before her very eyes.
Komodo dragons are predators that are unrivaled in their habitat, so even large buffaloes are terrified of this bloodthirsty predator. A calf has been targeted by a herd of Komodo dragons despite the mother buffalo’s efforts to save her baby. Although Komodo dragons are not comparable in size to the mother buffalo, they are still […]
Baboons’ Attack Forces the Crocodile to Release Its Prey and Seek Refuge in the Water.
large troop of baboons were drinking from a waterhole. A juvenile crocodile grabbed a young, male baboon in its jaws and dragged it away from the shore trying to drown it (we were still grabbing our cameras and missed filming this part). Since the waterhole was shallow and baboons are strong, the baboon was able […]
The Jaguar Encounters the Swamp Monster Anaconda.
The moment the jaguar bravely fought with anaconda in the jungle After deciding to follow the animal, I noticed the cheetah was looking for an object in the water. While I wasn’t paying much attention, she dug her claws into the grass and pulled up an anaconda. The jaguar chased after the fleeing anaconda and […]