He promised him he’d come back and they’d never break up… HE ACCOMPLISHED IT Lewis Jimenez had to do something difficult four months ago. He had to bring his pit bull, Titus, back to the shelter from whence he had adopted him. But, unlike many people who abandon their pets and never come back for […]
Dog New
“Puppy Thrown Off a Bridge with His Mouth Taped Shut Finds Reunion with His Lifesaver”
Human brutality is far more painful than any bark, growl, or bite. Dogs may act in this manner naturally when they detect a threat, but humans frequently harm these creatures on purpose simply because they can. As if leaving a family dog wasn’t bad enough, some people go so far as to leave puppies in […]
“When the Bride’s Ailing Dog Walked Down the Aisle, Not a Dry Eye Was Left: A Touching Moment of Unconditional Love”
Kelly O’Connell’s wedding day will be special forever in multiple ways. It will be remembered not only as the happiest day of her life, when she married her best friend, but also as the day she had to say goodbye to another, Charlie Bear, the 15-year-old black Labrador. It was only natural for him to […]
A loyal dog has undertaken an extraordinary journey, covering over 500 miles to reunite with its owner and bid a heartfelt farewell on this special day before departing.
Seeing that the owner got on the flower car and was about to leave, the dog followed, followed the person, leaning on the body of the car to look inside so the owner could see. Seeing the owner get on the flower car and prepare to leave, the dog ran after and leaned against the […]
A tiny, abandoned puppy clings to the woman’s feet, and she adamantly refuses to let go – a heartwarming tale of boundless compassion.
It was just a regular day when I was walking down the street. Suddenly, I felt something tugging at my pants leg. I looked down to see a small puppy, no more than a few weeks old, looking up at me with big, sad eyes. It was clear that he was homeless, alone and in […]